Sunday, September 30, 2012


Back a few years ago I was big into scrapbooking and would purchase scrapbooking supplies almost every time I went to the store. This left me with a TON of unused scrapbook paper and supplies that are just waiting for a purpose. The other day while I was organizing my crafting supplies I came across the bin with all my scrapbook paper in it. As I was looking through it, I came across some really cute Halloween papers. I decided to use the paper to cover some wooden letters and make a crafty little Halloween decoration.

Click on my "Holidays" tab and then the "Halloween" tab to see how to make this!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Halloween has always been my favorite holiday and growing up I used to look forward to decorating my parents house. One of my favorite movies to watch around Halloween is "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and I just love Jack "The Pumpkin King"! I saw this idea on Pinterest a while back and decided that I had to make one. It came out super cute and I think it looks spooky sitting on the table in our entryway.

Click on my "Holidays" tab then click on "Halloween" tab to find out how I made this spooky cute pumpkin!


Here are some of the Halloween/Autumn Quiet Book Pages that I have completed so far. I think they came out super cute. Please click on my Kid's Korner or Holiday (then Halloween tab) to see the rest of the pages!


I have been so busy lately that I have been neglecting my Quiet Book pages.  I have completed a few pages in the last couple months that I haven't gotten around to posting yet. So now I am. I am in the process of completing several more now so I will be posting them as I get them finished.

Click on my Kid's Korner tab to see all my new pages. :)


I love having different activities for my son to do during the week so that he's learning and playing at the same time.  And to be honest it gives me a chance to have him sit still for a few minutes so that I can do the dishes, vacuum or get a load of laundry done. I also love that I always have something he created to hang on my fridge. :) I want to give him something to make that had to do with Autumn so I thought what says Fall better than a tree with different colored leaves?!
Find this cute toddler activity under my Kid's Korner tab :)


Recently my husband and I have gotten into the routine of eating chicken most nights rather than red meat. And while he is still a big steak and potatoes kind of guy, he really has adapted to our new meal routine without much fuss. However, when you eat chicken five days a week, it becomes a real challenge to find variety in recipe options. While perusing what ingredients I had in my pantry and fridge, I decided to try and throw together a creamy sauce for on top of chicken. As with all of my recipe creations, my husband Jeremy, becomes my guinea pig taste tester. (One reason for this is because of the honest response, good or bad, that I get from him) When he tasted this dish though, he said it was awesome and requested me to make it again ASAP!  A++ for me I guess! :)  And the best part's only 265 CALORIES A SERVING!!!!

Click on my "Recipes" tab for the recipe! Enjoy!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


After my son Colton was born and I became a stay at home mom, I returned to my crafty roots and begin sewing and crafting again. And what better way to start than to make baby items for my lil pumpkin! I drew up some patterns for my first few items and began sewing! Before I knew it, I had tons of bibs, burp cloths, etc. for my son and several set aside for our next bundle of joy. They ended up turning out so cute that I soon had requests from people who wanted to buy them from me.  I think they really like the idea of getting all different fabric patterns instead of the same old ones from the stores. Since they have become such a big hit with people, I decided to start selling them online for people who just don't have the time or patience to make them.

Check out my "CRAFTING" page to see how-to's for all my baby items as well as tons of other craft ideas and instructions.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


When it comes to dinner, I am always looking for new recipes to try that my family will love. However, there are a few recipes that my husband and I crave often. One in particular is my mother's recipe for Parmesan Bread Pork Chops. They are super easy to make and absolutely delicious! Find the recipe on my "Recipe" page. Enjoy!

Friday, September 7, 2012


Whoever said that kids grow up before you can blink an eye was so right! It seems like just yesterday I was holding that little 7 lb. 15 oz baby boy. And now here I am posting about his SECOND BIRTHDAY party.  My little baby is two, I just can't believe it. 

I started planning his birthday party back in May (yes that's right MAY), and I was sure that it was going to be a Mickey Mouse theme. However, as it got closer and closer to August I noticed that his love for Winnie the Pooh was turning into a toddler obsession. Everyday we would watch one of the Winnie the Pooh movies and read Winnie the Pooh books.  So obviously, I knew that the birthday party theme had to be changed to Pooh. 


Thursday, September 6, 2012


In the past month, atleast six of our friends have either had a baby or announced that they are expecting! Totally exciting right? Well, with all this baby talk comes what else but BABY FEVER! My hubby and I have begun talking about adding the next little bundle of joy to our family. And while my baby fever is in full effect, we've decided that we won't start trying until after the holidays. But since I can't seem to erase the subject of babies from my brain, I figured that this would be the perfect time to do some baby related projects.

For a long time now, I have been one of those people that cannot walk into a fabric store without leaving with TONS of cute fabric (even if I have no current plan for it). I have accumulated lots and lots of baby/kid related fabric and I wanted to put it to good use. One of the projects that I decided to make was a Baby Bib & Burp Cloth set.  As soon as people saw how cute they turned out, requests started pouring in for them. Not only have I made them for friends and family, I have been setting some aside for our next baby. They are super easy and relatively quick to make!  I will also be setting up an Etsy store so that my less crafty readers can purchase them.

(NFL Team Logo Set)

(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Set)

These sets are made from pre-washed flannel fabric, printed on the front with a coordinating solid color on the back. The bibs have a snap closure on the neck. I will also be making some with velcro closures and placing them in my Etsy store. Once I set up my Etsy store page, I will post the link.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


My son's birthday falls in August and I wanted to figure out some different ways to decorate our home for his birthday. Since no holidays fall in the month of August, our front door was looking a little bare without a wreath.  So I decided that it would be a perfect time to make a Birthday wreath for our door. I came across a similar idea on Pinterest for a balloon topiary and figured it would make a cute wreath.  It came out so cute that everyone who comes over asks me to make them one too!

This wreath was incredibly easy to make. The how-to is on my "BIRTHDAY" page :)